We all know about wallcoverings and how capable they are of making a wall even more admirable.

Yes, they are very convenient to apply at home and you do not necessarily need a professional help. But, it is not that easy when it comes to its application for contract market.

For those who are new to this subject, allow me to shed a little light on the product we are talking about.

Wallcoverings are widely used by designers as a finishing material for walls due to its aesthetic appeal. A basic wallcovering is recommended over the paint since they are durable, easy to apply and more visually appealing. These things come in wide range of patterns, materials, textures, resistance treatment etc. A broad level categorization of wallcovering is done according to the usability of space as residential and commercial.

While selecting a wallpaper the first variable considered is amount of traffic the area will receive.  Residential range wallpaper are more appropriate where traffic is minimal. These range of wallcoverings are delicate and require special attention towards maintenance. Whereas contract wallcoverings are specified with stain resistance i.e. wash abilities, wear resistance etc. Contract wallcovering are suitable for public utility spaces like hospital, hostels, sports arena, retail outlets and etc.

The contract segment wallcovering are graded according to the standards they are manufactured with.

Type 1 (Light duty): Type 1 grade can do well for moderate traffic and are categorized as residential wallcovering. These wallcovering are manufactured with natural material like paper, grasscloth, mica, cork and etc. Typically the weight is between 12 and 19 ounces per linear yard.

Type 2 (Medium duty): Type 2 grade are suitable for high traffic areas like corridors, schools, and hospitals and etc. Typically the weight in this category will be between 20 and 28 ounces per linear yard.

Type 3 (Heavy duty): Type 3 grade are suitable for high traffic areas like waiting lobbies, sports arena , retail outlets, hotels and etc. these wallcovering are mostly  made from vinyl. Typically the weight in this category will be between 33 and 36 ounces per linear yard.

So now you know that while doing a hotel lobby or a club house, which wallcovering needs to be chosen. Let’s get acquainted with wallcoverings which are specialized for certain purpose in a commercial space

Phthalate-free Wallpapers: Contract wallpaper manufactured from PVC as base material is more likely to contain hazardous chemicals. PVC is made using phthalates, a is semi-volatile organic compounds that may cause damage to health. Wallcovering with phthalate free specification are termed as non-toxic wallcoverings and are recommended for kids’ room and spaces in healthcare sectors.

Thermal Insulation: Building technology is adapting innovative techniques for thermal insulation of walls that help them for green building rating. In the same context wallcoverings are also been manufactured that supports the thermal insulation of walls with advancement of technology for manufacturing blended fabric. These wallcovering are high in demand where the building is green rated.

Acoustic resistance: Wallcovering with acoustic resistance are double-coated vinyl covering, made of differentiated layers. Sometimes they come in panels or fixed slabs instead of rolls. These type of wallcoverings meet the requirements of sounds absorption and  enhances the quality of desired audible frequencies. Due to the absorption capacity of this wallcovering/wallpanel, it allows to reduce both the external noises and the dispersion of the noises emitted through indoors.  Use of these range of wallcovering are recommended at conference halls, , hospitals, theatres and recording studios  etc.

Flame retardant Treatment: Flame resistant wallcovering are the ones treated with flame retardant substance which are generally made of halogen or nitrogen based elements.

We will keep updating this space as we come across innovations in the wallcovering business.

With the advancement of technology the idea of beautifying the walls is also changing. Wallcoveings have been existing since early 1700s and have not seen much change the past 300 years. But since past 20 years, wallcoverings are been manufactured with cross liking polymerization techniques and nano-technology. These techniques are becoming successful to attain multiple properties of chemicals in a single product. Seeing these innovations, who knows  if the existing wallcovering formulation will be completely taken over by something unimaginable.

We would like to know from you if you’ve come across some really innovative types of wallcovering materials.